Girls Girls Profile

Girls Girls' "Juicy Secret" promotional picture.

Girls Girls (여자여자)



Girls Girls' Bori "Juicy Secret" promotional picture.

  • Name (Real Name): Vory / Bo Ri (Kim Su Young)
  • Hangul: 보리
  • Position: Vocal
  • Birthday (Y.M.D): 90.03.19
  • Nationality: N/A
  • Height: 162cm (5ft 3in)
  • Blood Type: N/A
  • Sub-Unit: N/A

Girls Girls' Rina "Juicy Secret" promotional picture.

  • Name (Real Name): Rina (Lee Min Ji)
  • Hangul: 리나
  • Position: Vocal
  • Birthday (Y.M.D): 92.05.19
  • Nationality: N/A
  • Height: 167cm (5ft 5in)
  • Blood Type: N/A
  • Sub-Unit: N/A

Girls Girls' Arang "Juicy Secret" promotional picture.

  • Name (Real Name): A Ryoung (Lee A Ryeong)
  • Hangul: 아령
  • Position: Rap
  • Birthday (Y.M.D): 94.12.20
  • Nationality: N/A
  • Height: 166cm (5ft 5in)
  • Blood Type: N/A
  • Sub-Unit: N/A


Girls Girls' Gyu Rang "Deal" promotional picture.

  • Name (Real Name): Q Rang / Gyu Rang (Kim Gyu Rang)
  • Hangul: 규랑
  • Position: Vocal, Rap
  • Birthday (Y.M.D): 90.04.08
  • Nationality: N/A
  • Height: 166cm (5ft 5in)
  • Blood Type: N/A
  • Sub-Unit: N/A
  • Currently*: Solo as Budy

Girls Girls' Miso "Juicy Secret" promotional picture.

  • Name (Real Name): Miso (Kim Mi So)
  • Hangul: 미소
  • Position: Rap, Maknae
  • Birthday (Y.M.D): 95.02.04
  • Nationality: N/A
  • Height: 162cm (5ft 3in)
  • Blood Type: N/A
  • Sub-Unit: N/A
  • Currently*: Solo

32 comments on “Girls Girls Profile

      • We really need something posted by her saying either her real name, or that she used to be a part of Girls Girls. We do not use liked tweets/posts/commets/ect. It needs to comedirectly from the artist or their company. We also don’t don’t base any profiles regarding past/present carrees on having the same face or sounding the same. So unfortunately all we have that we can prove is that Budy and Gyurang have the same birthdate Which is not enough to say they are the same person ~ James

  1. I think that it’s safe to say that they disbanded I know that I need an Ofcom source but it’s seems official since they’re inactive this while and the company is focusing on miso’s project and all the members on Instagram since they wiped all mentions

    • You can think how you want, we will not be making that determination at this time. For our site we need solid evidence or more time or both. ~ James

    • We don’t know, we don’t work for H Brothers, We are not personal friends with any of the members or staff at the company, the company has not messaged us about the group ever.

      All we know is that they announced is that MiSO was leaving the group to go solo. Anything besides that is just guessing until the group goes a much longer time with out coming back or the company makes another announcement, or the group comes back. ~ James

      • I don’t think they’re disbanding because I’m pretty sure in the same statement, they said GIRLSGIRLS is meant to be working on new music as well

      • That is part of why we didn’t move them to disbanded. All we know for sure is that Miso has left the group, we don’t know what is going on with the rest of the girls and the company, so we are going to wait and see what happens ~ James

  2. hey! the girls consider their official debut to be 151209, so is there anyway you can change that? they celebrate their anniversary on the 9th ^^

  3. I thought rookies weren’t allowed to have SNS or is that just a rule for certain companies?

  4. Do you know why the official group and invidual instagrams unfollowed Aryung? She also deleted her Girls Girls’ related pictures. Did she leave the group?

    • The official group account is still following her account – I don’t know why since there has been no announcement from the company about it
      ~ Manwon^^

  5. Hey, I don’t expect you to update this right away or anything, but just wanted to say that they just had a comeback! I think it’s pretty official that Gyurang left now. Here’s the link:

    Also, here’s a teaser where they gave all the names of the members (so Rina is definitely Rina, if that makes sense):

    I’m not quite sure if they’ve released any teaser images with the comeback though. The only new official picture I’ve seen is the single album cover.

    • We will update their pictures when we have some time, and I have already capped the MV. We also moved Gyurang a while back, thanks for passing that second teaser along so that we could get the correct spelling for both Rina and ARyung. XD ~James

  6. Is Gyu Rang still in the band? Not on their facebook cover photo nor in their latest performances.

    • The last official statement was that she was sick, and taking time to feel better – but further evidence does seem to show that she is out. We are going to wait for a little longer before officially moving her to former member just in case she really is sick
      ~ Manwon^^

      • on their group Instagram someone asked where Gyurang was, and the girls replied saying due to active personal work there’s only four of them. It was rather vague, so I’m not sure about the exact meaning, but I think it may be just some personal stuff and a small hiatus

  7. Girls Girls has a MV for the new version of ‘Girls Girls’ out!! here’s the link:

    • I knew that they were going to be releasing a video for the song. It just happens that videos always come out at 12am KST (when I’m sleeping) or 12pm (KST) when I’m at work. I can’t very well work on the site during those times, it would be very difficult. ~James

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